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Develop A Successful Construction Brand Strategy With These 5 Tips

The construction industry is highly competitive. By creating an unforgettable construction brand image, you will position yourself at the forefront of the marketplace.

When you break it down, a brand is an experience that you are selling to your customers. It relays who you are, what you have to offer, and why they should choose you over your competitors. However, creating and maintaining an effective brand takes time and effort. Here are 5 simple techniques that will help you to succeed:

#1 – Consistency

The key to successful branding is to ensure that your customer is able to identify you with little to no effort regardless of where they may see your brand. This includes both across your online profiles as well as in your signage, television and print advertising and more.

Start by establishing a logo and slogan that encompasses your vision of your company. Then, identify the colours and fonts that are used and carry this through your marketing efforts. Regardless of where someone stumbles across your content, they should be able to look at it and quickly recognize that it is you.

This is also true of the message that you are sharing with the world. A clear, concise message will create the impression of a professional and trustworthy organization while a confusing or hard to identify message will create the image of a disorganized company.

#2 – Tell A Story

Logic alone is not going to sell someone on your business, you need to appeal to their emotions. Share the human side of your business, allowing people to connect and build a ‘relationship’. This can be accomplished through discussing important causes, sharing the people behind the business, or even by adjusting your tone in any writing and communication to be more conversational, friendly or ‘quirky’.

#3 – Know Your Target Customer

One common technique used by marketers is to create a clear, detailed description of their ‘target customer’. Are you trying to reach John, the 41-year-old business executive that lives alone in his ‘high-end’, modern condo? Or, is your marketing designed to connect with Susy, the 33-year-old happily married mother of 2, searching for the perfect home for her family and their adorable dog Benji?

By breaking down your target customer as an actual person, it provides you with a clear vision of who you are hoping to connect with. Think about what they expect from your company, what would appeal to them and what would create value in their lives.

#4 – Empower Your Employees

One of the greatest assets that most companies have available to them, and also one of the most underutilized in the world of marketing, is the employee. Your employees are brand ambassadors for your company, so make sure to keep them in the loop. Educate employees on your brand image so that they can carry this same approach into any interactions that they have with your customers. This will not only help to extend your brand’s reach but will also help you to protect your brand image.

#5 – Always Analyze and Revise

Remember that marketing is never a once and done approach. A technique that may work well one year could fall flat the next, so it’s important to remain flexible. Make sure you are always tracking and recording your marketing efforts so that you can reflect on what is and isn’t working for your company. Revisit this regularly to make necessary changes and alterations to maximize your return on investment.

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